Following the heels of the most monumental & earth-shattering movements in film; The Italian neo-realists making films with locals in the rubble of World War II, the New German Cinema lead by Fassbinder & featuring its own brand of no-hold-barred brutality smashed into the class consciousness of Brecht carrying on the stylized Hollywood traditions of Douglas Sirk, & the French New Wave lead by luminaries like Godard that re-imagined the language of cinema entirely. Few speak fondly of the American New Wave, dismissed as a poser movement of post-hippie addicts & aging 50’s Hollywood stars like Hopper & Nicholson. This criterion DVD set features the most memorable films of this movement where a new wave of auteurs tried to bend & break the fabrics of traditional American cinema by telling stories of working class drifters, bikers, & the people lost in the shuffle of everyday life. This DVD box set features 5 films & comes with free shipping!
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