Write Brain TV
Controversial Classics Collection

Controversial Classics Collection

Controversial Classics Collection(Various Writers, 1785-1964) 0 (0)   Kicking off Write Brain TV’s month-long expedition uncovering banned, suppressed, and prohibited works of art, we proudly present this collection of forbidden classics. Infamous French...
Manufacturing Consent

Manufacturing Consent

Manufacturing Consent: The Political Economy of the Mass Media (Written by Edward S. Herman & Noam Chomsky, 1988) 0 (0) Continuing our exploration of the media’s role in the war machine; We bring this trailblazing book by Chomsky that took the world by storm...
New York Trilogy

New York Trilogy

New York Trilogy (Written by Paul Aster, 1985-1986) 0 (0) Hailed by one of the voices of his generation, Paul Aster’s philosophical musings contextualized against the grit & grime of classic New York detective stories, his writings fuse the most...


Faggots (Written by Larry Kramer, 1978) 0 (0) Seen as a prophetic portrait of NYC before the AIDS epidemic would sweep through the city and take thousands of casualties in its grasp, gay rights activist / public health advocate / queer literary legend Larry Kramer...
Steal This Book

Steal This Book

Steal This Book (Written by Abby Hoffman, 1970) 0 (0) “I hate Israel and want to see the Palestinians triumph. I am violently anti-Israel, and no longer believe they have the right to exist.” Jerry Rubin, his right-hand man, added; ‘If Moses were alive today...