Guerilla Magazine #1
(Created by Kevin Ronca, Edited by Marc Rubendall, 2021)
Guerilla is a mosaic of human experiences from around the world. The concept of Guerilla brings to mind the concept of the disenfranchised working together as one unit against stronger forces and corrupt establishments of power. That is the heart of this magazine. The quarterly magazine features journalists, poets, and artists from nearly every continent, coming together for a common cause; To fight back against the dark forces of the empire.
What lies between the pages of Guerilla? In time for the 20th anniversary of 9/11, Arub Syed’s cover story 9/11: The Untold Stories finally gives a platform to less talked about victims on the day the towers came down: Innocent muslim communities forced to live in fear from that day forward, targeted by a racist and draconian police state. Democracy Is A Mirage gives you boots on the ground reporting on the streets of Zimbabwe, where Covid-19 restrictions are used as an excuse to silence dissidents under their corrupt and supreme ruler. Portugal: A Promise Not Kept follows the philosophical stream of consciousness of Fernando Beleza, a man without a country, searching through the rubble to find out where it all went wrong. These are just some of the stories you’ll find in the rugged, mud-soaked pages of Guerilla Magazine.